[OKAIR] Information on collecting data on graduates

Karla Oty koty at cameron.edu
Mon Mar 4 10:29:05 CST 2013

I am interested in learning how schools are currently collecting data on graduates - specifically whether or not the student is employed within the discipline after graduation and earnings.

In particular

*         Which office is responsible for collecting the information?  (E.g., Alumni, College Placement, Institutional Research)

*         How does the office attempt to collect the information ?  (Email, phone calls, other strategies)

*         How reliable and useful is the data that is being collected?

Any information is appreciated.



Karla J. Oty, Ph.D.
Director, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accountability
Cameron University
2800 W. Gore Blvd
Lawton, OK 73505
(580) 581-2899

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