[Okepas] AP research study

Brown, Cynthia cbrown at osrhe.edu
Tue Nov 18 16:20:41 CST 2003

EPAS friends;
With the exciting increase in Advanced Placement courses and student
participation in Oklahoma, the State Regents want to conduct an
important research study and we hope you can assist us.
Obviously, many students are taking AP classes and exams and are earning
college credit through their exam score.  We know that many students
take AP classes but do not take the AP exam.  We also know that many
students take the AP exam but do not score high enough for college
credit.  And, of course, we know that many high school students take
concurrent enrollment classes while in high school.
Because of this variety of high school experiences, we are interested in
learning several things about Oklahoma students' high school academic
experiences and their later collegiate success.  In other words, we want
to compare the collegiate success of students who:
1.      Take an AP class
2.    Take an AP exam
3.    Do concurrent enrollment
We will get the data for #2 from College Board and #3 along with the
collegiate success information from our higher education data system.
But we need your help on #1.
To compare students to our data files, we need social security numbers
and names or date of birth on each student and of course, title of AP
course taken.  Graduation year would be helpful but not necessary.
If you have information relative to students in past years that have
taken an AP class AND if you are willing to share that data with us for
this study, please send a note back to me.  In your note, please tell me
how many years back you would be able to go with your class lists or
transcript data, how many students might be included in your data AND
what format it is available in.  
Of course we will treat student data in a confidential manner consistent
with all state, federal and ethical requirements.  We will send a formal
request to whoever should be formally asked when I know if you have data
available.  Please tell me in your note to whom the formal request
should be addressed.
We believe this is an important piece in the puzzle of student
preparation for college or other post-high school choices.  We will, of
course, share our study results with you.
Cynthia N. Brown, Ed.D.
Senior Coordinator for Student Preparation
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104
Voice - 405-225-9156
Fax - 405-225-9230
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