[Okepas] great opportunity

Brown, Cynthia (OSRHE) cbrown at osrhe.edu
Tue Apr 13 15:41:47 CDT 2010

I am attaching a brochure for an online course from Louisiana Tech.  The
course is totally focused on using EXPLORE, PLAN and ACT in your school
and classrooms to make a difference for students.
The professor and creator, Glen Beer, is a great educator and a friend.
He is making this course available to Oklahomans at the same cost as
Louisiana educators because he believes that EPAS can and will make
teaching much more efficient if we understand HOW to use the information
we have.
Please read the information carefully and respond to Dr. Beer as
indicated on the Registration form.  
If you have questions relating to Oklahoma EPAS, please don't hesitate
to contact me.
Cynthia Brown, Ed.D.
Director of Student Preparation
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
"What if we had fail-safe schools that treated the failure of a single
child as equally tragic as a nuclear meltdown, chemical spill, or an
airplane crash?"
"Three Musts for Bolstering Student Achievement" by Vicki Urquhart in
Changing Schools, Summer 2008 (Vol. 58, p. 1-2)
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