[Okepas] FW: EOI Exams and College Admission

Brown, Cynthia (OSRHE) cbrown at osrhe.edu
Wed Nov 30 14:56:10 CST 2011

Oklahoma Educators:

This is a very important email as it gives new information:



From: Dela Cruz, Jr., Jose 
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 2:15 PM
To: oacrao-l at lists.onenet.net
Cc: Outon, Miranda
Subject: EOI Exams and College Admission 


OACRAO Members:


Students who do not successfully complete the required number of end of instruction exams (EOI) and are not a high school graduate, but whose high school class has graduated are eligible for admission into community colleges using policy section 3.9.6.C.2.  


The Council on Instruction (COI) Admission/Retention/Transfer (ART) committee recognizes that students in some areas of the state may have limited access to community colleges due to geographical location; therefore, the consensus of the COI ART committee for regional and research institutions is that these institutions may admit students who do not successfully complete the required number of EOIs via the alternative admission category [institutions may admit up to 8 percent of freshman or 50 freshman, whichever is higher, who do not meet regular admission criteria] OR the president may request to the Chancellor an exception to policy 3.9.4.A1 [research] or 3.9.4.B1 [regional]. 


IMPORTANT NOTE:  Oklahoma's Promise students will not be eligible to use the scholarship at any institution without having graduated from high school.  


State Regents' staff and the COI ART committee will continue to monitor the issue as graduation approaches and keep the OACRAO membership informed. 


Please do not hesitate in contacting our office if you have any questions.







Mr. José Dela Cruz

Coordinator -- Academic Affairs Projects

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

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