[Okepas] Clarifying EPAS Future

Brown, Cynthia (OSRHE) cbrown at osrhe.edu
Wed Jul 17 17:20:52 CDT 2013

OK Educators & Friends,

Hope you are having a good summer. It was good to see some of you at the Vision 2020 conference last week.
The Student Preparation Team needs to clarify some information given at the conference regarding the future of the ACT(r), ACT Explore(r) and ACT Plan(r).
*         The ACT will continue to be the primary college admissions assessment for Oklahoma for the foreseeable future.
*         There will be NO changes to the ACT Explore and ACT Plan assessments for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 academic years.
*         Beginning with the 2015-16 academic year ACT Aspire(tm) will replace ACT Explore and ACT Plan.
*         ACT Aspire will follow the original philosophy of ACT Explore and ACT Plan fostered in Oklahoma 20 years ago and will be based on the same College Readiness Standards and anchored to the ACT which will still be the primary college admissions/placement assessment for Oklahoma higher education.
So the bottom line is: there is NOTHING to be concerned about at this time. The Oklahoma State Regents are committed to following through on our social justice commitment established 25 years ago.
As we move forward, the State Regents Student Preparation Team will continue to serve you through paying for the ACT Explore for 8th graders and the ACT Plan for 10th graders, free onsite professional development, consultations, etc.
As ACT Explore and ACT Plan are replaced by ACT Aspire, we will evaluate its appropriateness for our mission.
For additional information on the transition to ACT Aspire: http://www.discoveractaspire.org/pages/home and

Thanks for allowing us to serve Oklahoma students,
Cynthia Brown, Ed.D.
Director, Student Preparation
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

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