[Cobo] (no subject)

Bruce Wiese bruce.wiese at wosc.edu
Tue Jun 25 16:07:30 CDT 2002

Good afternoon,

Have two issues I could use some feedback on.

1.   Do any schools hire their regular employees like faculty or coaches in 
the summer for other projects such as tutoring, painting, construction or 
field maintenance and pay them as independent contractors versus employees?

If I get some affirmative responses, I will call you back for clarification 
if needed.

2.  Do any schools have an exclusive annual agreement for the purchase of 
office supplies that eliminates everyone buying whereever  and from places 
like Quill.  We all know than an exclusive would save substantial money 
even for my size school.  Does any one then require all supply purchases be 
made in the Bookstore at a lower mark up than normal?

Bruce Wiese
Western Oklahoma State College

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