[Cobo] Survey on Compensation Actions

Siragusa, Debbie dsiragusa at osrhe.edu
Tue Dec 9 15:32:20 CST 2003

The attached survey is a quick turnaround piece on approved or scheduled actions of your board on salary increases or one-time stipends during the current fiscal year.  Please respond ASAP but no later than close of business Friday, December 12, 2003 to Debbie Siragusa (405.225.9230 fax) (dsiragusa at osrhe.edu <mailto:dsiragusa at osrhe.edu>).  Several institutions have previously provided this information informally to Maryanne Maletz.  We ask those institutions also to complete the survey so we have a complete record.  We will share the results with you all on Monday.  Many thanks.


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