[Cobo] Video Conference for COBO meeting

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Thu Feb 6 15:39:16 CST 2003

Our meeting will be scheduled for next Wednesday, February 12th at 1:30 pm in the large conference room. 

We will accomodate any of you that would like to be video-conferenced from your campus locations..  If you would like to join by video I will need some information to pass along to the technical people.  I will send a separate email with that attachment and will mail the agenda and handouts prior to the meeting.  Testing of the video connections will begin approximately an hour before the meeting is to begin, so we would need a room available on your campus from 12:30 to  approximately 3:00 pm.  If your prefer to join by video, please email me and I'll get the appropriate information.  

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