[Cobo] White-papers on Senate Bills247 and 453

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Thu Feb 6 13:21:52 CST 2003

The attached document, composed by Burr Millsap on behalf of the "Best Practices Committee," contains position white-papers and suggested statutory language changes on the issues proposed in SB247 and SB453. 

These are the bills that we are asking each of you to contact members of senate to answers questions and ask for support.  Please use this document as a guide to the issues and the impact to Higher Education.

It is important that the General Government committee members be contacted prior to the February 17th meeting.  

Sen. Johnnie Crutchfield, District 14
Sen. Kenneth Corn. District 4
Sen. Cliff Aldridge, District 42 
Sen. Cliff Branan, District 40
Sen. Gilmer Capps, District 26
Sen. James Dunlap, District 29
Sen. Sam Helton, District 31
Sen. Owen Laughlin, District 27
Sen. Rick Littlefield, District 1
Sen. James Maddox, District 32
Sen. Jonathon Nichols, District 15
Sen. Bruce Price, District 23
Sen. Jim Reynolds, District 43
Sen. Jerry Smith, District 39
Sen. Dick Wilkerson, District 13

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