[Cobo] FW: NACUBO and NASACT Offer GASB 39 Audioconference: March 3, 2004, confirmation

Mauck, Sherri smauck at osrhe.edu
Tue Feb 24 10:27:55 CST 2004

We will be hosting this conference for any who would like to attend.  We will be meeting in the Conference Center on the first floor of the State Regents' office building, located at 655 Research Parkway, Oklahoma City.  The time listed below is the Eastern Standard time, so please make a correction of the time to 1:00 to 3:00 pm.  Please feel free to share with your auditors and ask if they are interested in attending too.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mauck, Sherri 
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 1:04 PM
To: Council of Business Officers
Subject: FW: NACUBO and NASACT Offer GASB 39 Audioconference: March 3, 2004

Conference Opportunity:
We are soliciting whether or not there is any interest in this conference.  We (OSRHE) are considering offering a location here in our building for those who would like to attend this audio conference, but would like to know if you would find it beneficial before committing to be a host site.  The conference is scheduled for March 3, 2004, from 2:00-4:00 pm. This is the Wednesday before our regularly scheduled Council of Business Officers' meeting.
Please email me and let us know if you are interesting in sending a representative from your campus.  A quick response will help to facilitate scheduling the conference if enough interest is generated.  




Wednesday, March 3, 2004 

2:00 - 3:50 p.m. EST CPE: Two credits 

$249.00 per site (unlimited attendance) if you register on or before Friday, February 27, 2004, and $299.00 thereafter.

GASB No. 39: The Challenges of Integrating 
New Component Units

NASACT, in conjunction with the Association of Government Accountants, the National Association of Local Government Auditors, and the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), is pleased to announce the latest in its series of audio conferences addressing timely issues in government financial management.


The topic for this audio conference, GASB No. 39, is a very interesting and timely topic. This standard, titled Determining Whether Certain Organizations Are Component Units, amends GASB No. 14 to provide additional guidance to determine whether certain organizations for which the primary government is not financially accountable should be reported as component units based on the nature and significance of their relationship with the primary government. This statement is effective in FY 2004 for most entities and has a significant impact on the financial reporting of many public colleges and universities and their component units such as fund-raising foundations, athletic associations, alumni associations, and research foundations. The new standard has also created some interesting financial reporting issues for states as they prepare their comprehensive annual financial reports.

To address these issues, our group of speakers will provide a review of the technical aspects of GASB No. 39 as well as the practical aspects of its implementation both from the college and university perspective as well as the state government perspective. 
Please join us for two hours of lively discussion about this timely topic. In addition to presentations from our speakers, there will be approximately 30 minutes for Q&A so that participants may ask questions and share their own experiences.


*	An appreciation for the challenges state governments are facing concerning affiliated organizations 

*	An understanding of state reporting expectations 

*	Tools to help you walk through decision points in the GASB 39 standard


*	David Bean, GASB Director of Research 

*	Ken Schermann, GASB Senior Project Manager 

*	Kathleen McNeely, Managing Director of the Finance Division of Financial Management Services at Indiana University 

*	Jan Correll, Supervisor for University and College Audits, Indiana State Board of Accounts 

*	Stacey Halvorsen (invited), Indiana State Board of Accounts


Wednesday, March 3, 2004 

2:00 - 3:50 p.m. EST 

Two credits 

$249.00 per site (unlimited attendance) if you register on or before Friday, February 27, 2004, and $299.00 thereafter


Go to http://nasact.org/conferences/events.cfm <http://www.magnetmail.net/ls.cfm?r=2263588&sid=115010&m=29667&u=NACUBO&s=http://nasact.org/conferences/events.cfm>  for registration information. 

This audio conference offers something for financial statement preparers and auditors at colleges and universities and state government. Please share this opportunity with others in your government or university system. Don't miss out on this important discussion! If you have any questions, please call NASACT at (859) 276-1147 or e-mail support at nasact.org.

Click here <http://www.magnetmail.net/Actions/unsubscribe.cfm?message_id=29667&user_id=NACUBO&recipient_id=2263588&email=mmaletz@osrhe.edu&group_id=14488>  to unsubscribe. 


2501 M Street, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC, 20037

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