[Cobo] FW: revised instructions on hiring freeze

Mauck, Sheri sheri at osrhe.edu
Thu Jun 17 08:33:56 CDT 2004

Business Officers,

Please see the correspondence below that went to your Presidents from the Chancellor on the monthly reporting requirements for the hiring freeze.  Please let us know if you have questions.

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Risser, Paul  
> Sent:	Wednesday, June 16, 2004 5:32 PM
> To:	Presidents
> Cc:	Maletz, Maryanne; Stuart, Debra
> Subject:	FW: revised instructions on hiring freeze
> Hi All,
> This pertains to those institutions affected by the hiring freeze, but is copied for information to all Presidents.
> Attached below are revised instructions and a revised form for reporting on a monthly basis exceptions you have approved to the hiring freeze.  Rather than sending the form to me, please send it to Vice Chancellor Maryanne Maletz at the email address noted on the instructions.
> Thank you for your cooperation with the project.  Please continue to submit a form each month in a timely manner, even if you have no exceptions to report.  We need to continue to demonstrate our commitment.
> A copy of this information will be sent to your business officer today.
> Thanks,
>   Paul
> >  <<Instructions revised 6-04.doc>> > >  <<2004 Log Template-Higher Edrevised6-04.xls>> 
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