Siragusa, Debbie dsiragusa at osrhe.edu
Tue Mar 16 09:06:20 CST 2004

FYI -  The due date for the survey of telecommunication services by OSF as been extended to March 26th.  

Also, I received a question from someone and I thought the following additional information might be helpful to everyone.

The information that OSF is gathering is to assist in issuing a "Statewide" contract.  As usual, we would not be obligated to use the SW contract, but it would be available to us.  Completing the questionnaire will not commit us to participation.  (I called OSF to verify).   It will be a good opportunity to see if the State can use its buying power as a whole to get some better pricing for telecommunications services, and they are encouraging us to participate by completing the survey as we would add a significant volume for the potential contract. 

Hope this information helps.  Please just let me know if you have any additional questions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Connie.Holt at osf.state.ok.us [mailto:Connie.Holt at osf.state.ok.us]
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 10:05 AM

The due date for the Voice and Data Comm Services information has been
changed.  The survey is due back by Friday, March 26th, to the OSF
Communications Dept (Capitol, B7).  I have also attached the survey form if
needed to pass on to the correct personnel.  Thanks! Connie

(See attached file: Voice-Data RFP Questionnaire.xls)

Connie Holt, Secretary
Office of State Finance / ISD
Connie.Holt at osf.state.ok.us
(405) 522-4667
fax - (405) 522-3042

             03/11/2004 05:27          
                                       VOICE and DATA COMM SERVICES        

This is an FYI copy only.  The following memo from Joe Fleckinger
(Director, Information Services Division, Office of State Finance) is being
sent to all agency I/T Directors and to the person receiving the monthly
telecommunication invoice from OSF, along with a survey form to fill out
and return.  Thanks!  Connie

                                                    Office of State Finance

TO:         Agency Director

FROM:       Joe Fleckinger, Director, Information Services Division

DATE:       March 8, 2004


The Information Services Division (ISD) of the Office of State Finance
(OSF) is preparing to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) from vendors for
Voice and Data Network Services, including long distance, local, credit
cards, 800 service, data circuits and service, wide area and internet
services, etc.  The more information OSF is able to provide the potential
vendors, the better the vendor responses.

The purpose of this RFP is to obtain the best quality telecommunication
service available at the best price.

In order to facilitate the gathering of this information, we are asking
that each Agency review their current inventory of these services and
provide it no later than March 17, 2004, on the enclosed form to:

                        Office of State Finance
                        Information Systems Division
                        Communications Operations Group
                        Room B-7, State Capitol Building
                        Oklahoma City, OK  73105

                        ATTENTION:  JOE AIRINGTON

We are prepared to assist Agencies that may have difficulties in completing
the form or have questions in reference to the information requested.  For
assistance, contact the Communications Group at 405-521-4170 or email at
Joe.Airington at osf.state.ok.us or me at 405-522-4026.

cc:  I/T Director

Connie Holt, Secretary
Office of State Finance / ISD
Connie.Holt at osf.state.ok.us
(405) 522-4667
fax - (405) 522-3042
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