[Cobo] FW: 2005 Capital Bond Proposal

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Tue Sep 7 14:08:42 CDT 2004

Please see the following correspondence that has been emailed to your Presidents this afternoon.  The deadline for responses is September 17th.  Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: Risser, Paul 
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 2:03 PM
To: Presidents
Cc: Maletz, Maryanne; Mauck, Sheri
Subject: 2005 Capital Bond Proposal



 Hi All,


As follow-up to the Presidents' Council meetings last week, we are asking that each of you re-visit the project listing compiled in February 2004 for a potential $500 million capital bond issuance. The allocated dollar amounts to your institutions are unchanged.


We are asking that the following three issues be addressed:

1.  Each institution should carefully review the projects that have been submitted and reaffirm that these projects remain as your top priorities.  

2.  If your project listing is unchanged, but you would like to update or revise the project descriptions, please submit those updates at this time.  Please ensure that the project titles and descriptions convey that the proposed projects are essential for the future well-being of your campuses and that they do not appear as merely desirable or less-than-essential. 

3.  Please designate ONE project that may be highlighted in special system-wide marketing efforts as the bond proposal continues to develop throughout the coming months. 


 Attached for easy reference are the following documents:

A.     The complete project listing compiled in February 2004--listed by institution.

    B.  The summary allocation sheet as adopted by the Presidents' Council--listed by institution.


 Please send your responses on these three issues to Maryanne Maletz, Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance, by September 17, 2004.   




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