[Cobo] FW: Brain Gain grants info

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Wed Sep 8 16:02:09 CDT 2004

This is the information that James Purcell mentioned this morning on the additional Brain Gain grants that will soon be awarded.  The proposal deadline is October 1.  



I wanted to alert you all to a Brain Gain related Request for Proposals to support campus-based intervention strategies designed to increase retention rates, graduation rates or degrees earned. The OSRHE has allocated $750,000 to support campus-based strategies that support Brain Gain goals. The attached file provides the RFP details. 

The RFP requires the institution to identify institutional-specific issues related to retention and graduation and suggest strategies for resolving them. The following link provides institutional-specific Brain Gain information that may be of help in producing the RFP, should your institution choose to apply for it. < http://sysres.osrhe.edu/~jpurcell/Braingainweb/braingainworkingpapers.htm> 

Feel free to contact Jim Purcell (405-225-9176) or Laura Tyree (405-225-9164) if you have further questions. 



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