[Cobo] FW: "Learning spaces" workshop

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Thu Apr 21 11:57:16 CDT 2005

Business Officers,


Please see the correspondence sent to your Presidents on the date for
the workshop on capital planning in relation to the capital bond issue.
Please save the date of Friday, July 8th.  This is the workshop the
Chancellor discussed in his remarks at the OACUBO meeting in March.
More information to come.


From: Risser, Paul 
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:42 AM
To: Presidents; Chancellor's Council
Subject: "Learning spaces" workshop



Hi All, 


This is definitely getting the cart before the horse.  We haven't even
set up the planning group yet, but it looks like the date for our
capital bond workshop on designing learning spaces and integrating
technology will be July 8.  Just wanted everyone to know as soon as
possible about the date.


In the next week, President Johnson will appoint a small planning group
and we will plan the workshop.  In the meantime, if you would like to
serve on the planning group or want to nominate someone to do so, please
send that suggestion to President Johnson.





Dr. Paul G. Risser, Chancellor 
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 
Phone: 405.225.9120 
Fax: 405.225.9235 
mailto:Paul.Risser at osrhe.edu 


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