[Cobo] FW: Dues Task Force Presentation to NACUBO Board Nov 4 - FINAL W/ REVISION

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Tue Feb 15 13:17:06 CST 2005

Please find the attached information on the NACUBO Fee Structure.
Please comments and/or concerns to Dr. David Bosserman.





Dear Committee Members,


NACUBO has established a Task Force to look at their current dues
structure.  That Task Force has recalibrated the dues assessment matrix
in order to more equitably spread the dues burden.  Attached is a
PowerPoint presentation that discusses the work of the Task Force as
well as providing the previous matrix for dues assessment and the
proposed new matrix.  Please share this information widely within your
state associations, etc.  This proposal will be voted on at the July
NACUBO meeting in Baltimore by the primary representatives, so make sure
your institution's primary rep is also aware of this proposed change.


If you have any questions about the work of the Task Force, or about the
matrices themselves, feel free to contact Gaye Manning (
gmanning at sautech.edu).  Gaye is the Immediate Past President of SACUBO
and was a member of the Task Force.


Thank you for your attention.


Susan Brooks

UNC Charlotte



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