[Cobo] Budget Training

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Wed Aug 30 10:48:27 CDT 2006

Budget Training has been scheduled for the afternoon of September 12,
2006, 1:30 - 4:30 pm to be held in the training room on the first floor
of the Department of Central Services.  This is in the capital complex,
Will Rogers Building.  Please note the location change from previous


You will need to complete the form 90 (attached) prior to training and
submit it directly to the OSF Core Staff to be assigned a password and


Please have those of your staff who plan to attend to please email me.
It is important that you have at least two persons trained in budget
entry, if not more.


This is primarily designed for new staff personnel as we have a limited
number of seats available.  Thanks.

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