[Cobo] FW: Fleet Management Survey

Sawyer, Greg gsawyer at osrhe.edu
Thu Feb 9 14:01:09 CST 2006

As I mentioned in today's Council of Business Officers meeting we have
been asked to provide information on vehicle and fleet policy by the
Fleet Management Reform Task Force.  This Task Force was created out of
legislation passed in the 2005 legislative session.  The Task Force has
examined vehicle usage and policies of the State Motor Pool and other
agencies.  They are now interested in higher education vehicles and
Please find attached the forms necessary to respond to the Task Force's
request for information.
The responses should be returned to me electronically by the close of
business Friday March 18, 2006.  I will then review them and forward the
final responses to the Department of Central Services who is compiling
the information for the Task Force.
If you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to contact
Thank you for your assistance. 
Greg Sawyer
Associate Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway Suite 200
P. O. Box 108850
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850
405-225-9425 Office
405-225-9100 Main
405-225-9230 Fax
gsawyer at osrhe.edu
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