[Cobo] FW: Public Construction Proposed Amendment

Sawyer, Greg gsawyer at osrhe.edu
Thu Feb 9 14:14:02 CST 2006

The limit was raised from $12,500 to $25,000 in 2002  So your inflation
calculation may need to be adjusted.
On thing I would suggest is that some one get a member to request from
DCS the number of contracts handled in the $25,000 to $40,000 range and
how much time is spent on those contracts compared to the number of
contracts and time spent on those above the $40,000 level.
The argument that an inordinate amount of time was being spent on
"small' contracts compared to the time spent on "big"contracts  (where
there more need for oversight, more potential for problems, etc.)  was
successful in getting the limit raised from $7,500 to $12,500.
Greg Sawyer
Associate Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway Suite 200
P. O. Box 108850
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850
405-225-9425 Office
405-225-9100 Main
405-225-9230 Fax
gsawyer at osrhe.edu


From: cobo-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:cobo-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of SKreidler at ucok.edu
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 1:53 PM
To: Mauck, Sheri
Cc: cobo-bounces at lists.onenet.net; Council of Business Officers
Subject: Re: [Cobo] FW: Public Construction Proposed Amendment

Sheri, others: 

For what it is worth I did an inflation calculation on $25,000 in 1974
and for 2005.  The equivalent is now: 

Thought this might be helpful in making a case for a rise in the amount
from $25,000.  We have proposed only going to half of what inflation has
done to that $25,000.   


"Mauck, Sheri" <smauck at osrhe.edu> 
Sent by: cobo-bounces at lists.onenet.net 

02/09/2006 01:06 PM 

"Council of Business Officers" <cobo at lists.onenet.net> 
[Cobo] FW: Public Construction Proposed Amendment


The following information is being sent at the request of Tom Poole in
support of your efforts to contact the legislative members of the
sub-committee that will address HB 2765.  The author of the bill is Curt
Roggow and proposes an increase for bidding of public construction
projects from $25,000 to $40,000. (The $40,000 amount reflects comprise
language from the $50,000 originally proposed.) 
It is important that the members of the committee are contacted prior to
Tuesday, February 14th.  An exact meeting time and location will be
announced by Monday afternoon.  It was also suggested for you to contact
counterparts in other State Agencies that do public construction
projects and encourage them to also contact these members to express
their support.  By clicking on the links below, you will be directed to
each member's contact information. 
Tom's talking point discussion paper is attached as a pdf. file. 


Rep. John Wright <http://www.okhouse.gov/Members/hd76.htm> , Chairman 	
Rep. Paul Wesselhoft <http://www.okhouse.gov/Members/hd54.htm> ,

Representative Joe Eddins <http://www.okhouse.gov/Members/hd6.htm>  	
Representative Doug Miller <http://www.okhouse.gov/Members/hd46.htm>  
Representative Terry Harrison <http://www.okhouse.gov/Members/hd18.htm>

Representative Mike Reynolds <http://www.okhouse.gov/Members/hd91.htm> 
Representative Rob Johnson <http://www.okhouse.gov/Members/hd59.htm>  	
Representative Joe Sweeden <http://www.okhouse.gov/Members/hd36.htm>  
Representative Jerry McPeak <http://www.okhouse.gov/Members/hd13.htm>  
The Committee meets on Tuesday in the "After Adjournment 1" slot in Room
512A of the Capitol. 


Greg Sawyer 
Associate Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance 
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
655 Research Parkway Suite 200 
P. O. Box 108850 
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850 
405-225-9425 Office 
405-225-9100 Main 
405-225-9230 Fax 
gsawyer at osrhe.edu <mailto:gsawyer at osrhe.edu>  
Cobo mailing list
Cobo at lists.onenet.net

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