[Cobo] FW: OSRHE Budget Meetings

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Fri Sep 22 17:11:26 CDT 2006




From: Moss, Phil 
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 4:45 PM
To: Presidents
Subject: OSRHE Budget Meetings 

Presidents -


I have attached a schedule of the budget discussions that are being
planned for October 3-4-5 with each of you and State Regents.   I think
the sessions have been organized to work around most of the other
meetings already scheduled as much as possible.   Additional information
will be provided soon - including one page summaries of your
institutional profile (enrollments, funding history, special needs,
etc., based on the data we have) that we will share with our Regents .


Bear in mind that the time will be limited, so I would recommend that
your formal presentation be no more than a 15-minutes, so there will be
some time for interaction and discussion with the Regents.  Some Regents
are particularly interested in campus outcomes, efficiencies, funding
priorities, and how new resources have been (and will be) used.  We will
have a data projector and laptop for those who would want to use
PowerPoint or the web, but there is no expectation or requirement that
you use them. 


If you do have handouts, please bring 15 copies. 


More information will follow over the next several days.  Let me know if
you have any questions.



Dr. Phillip K. Moss

Interim Chancellor 

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104-3603

P.O. Box 108850

Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850

voice 405-225-9120

fax 405-225-9235

pmoss at osrhe.edu

www.okhighered.org <http://www.okhighered.org/> 



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