[Cobo] FW: Roundtable discussion on school violence

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Fri Apr 27 14:24:54 CDT 2007

Chancellor Glen Johnson, on behalf of Governor Brad Henry and Lt.
Governor Jari Askins, invites you to attend a discussion with U.S.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales concerning campus violence this
Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Oklahoma History Center
(405 N.W. 15th St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma).  This is part of several
multi-state appearances to be conducted by members of President Bush's
cabinet next week.  This visit also corresponds with the Governor's
creation last week of the CLASS Task Force which the Chancellor will be


Representatives from mental health, law enforcement and education are
being invited to participate in this important and timely discussion.
Below, you will find a preliminary agenda and overview for the event.
Because of the short timeline, changes in the agenda may occur.


Please confirm as soon as possible if you will be able to attend. 


School Violence Prevention Event with

U.S. Attorney General Gonzales and Lt. Governor Jari Askins


Proposed Sequence of Events:

8:30 - 8:50 a.m.           Welcome remarks to invitees by Lt. Governor

                                    Comments by Attorney General

Roundtable Discussion / Outline of Breakout Session Objectives


8:50 - 9:30 a.m.           Breakout Sessions

-          Mental Health Group

-          Law Enforcement / Justice Group

-          Education Group


9:30 - 10:00 a.m.         Reconvene Breakout Groups

-          Identification of "takeaways" by stakeholders


10:00 - 10:15 a.m.       Press Availability 




Purpose:  To hear from state and local officials, educators, mental
health experts, and state and local law enforcement about states' past
experiences and current policies that are implicated by campus violence
and persons with mental illness.  We hope to identify practices that
have worked, obstacles that exist, and possible solutions to barriers in
three issue areas:  

*	prevention and treatment; 
*	information sharing; and 
*	crisis response and recovery.


Structure:  Three breakout groups:


#1 - Health/Mental Health Perspectives

*        Identifying students who pose a risk; Risk/threat assessment;
Referring/treating students with mental health/behavioral issues;
Emergency preparedness and response planning.

*        Policy about and practical experiences with information sharing
by mental health and health care professionals with school, law
enforcement, family; HIPAA Privacy Rule.

*        Mental health supportive services immediately following a
violent school incident and longer term.


#2 - Education Perspectives

*        Identifying students who pose a risk; Risk/threat assessment;
Referring/treating students with mental health/behavioral issues; peer
support; Emergency preparedness and response planning.

*        Policy about and practical experiences with information sharing
by school officials (including college disciplinary hearing boards) with
mental health, law enforcement, family, and other students; FERPA.

*        Use of technology to send emergency alerts and security
notices, facilitate communication during emergency.  Safeguards against
false alerts and backup plans.

#3 - Security/Law Enforcement Perspectives

*        Risk/threat assessment; Safety and security interventions.  

*        Policy about and experiences with sharing information about
disqualifying mental health history to NICS for background check

*        Law enforcement response to campus attacks, active shooter, and
other crisis situations.

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