[Cobo] Ice Storm Disaster Assistance

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Wed Mar 14 10:31:26 CDT 2007

The Oklahoma State Regents have filed a Request for Public Assistance
(RPA) on behalf of the State System for the Federal Disaster Declaration
on the Ice Storms in December and January.  Several of you have already
filed the RPA on your own and those applications will be worked as a
separate work order through FEMA and you should continue to process as


If your institution incurred storm related expenses they may be
qualified for federal reimbursements at 75% of the total costs.
Attached are the forms that need to be completed for FEMA consideration.
The regulations require the attached worksheets to be completed for
consideration within 30 days from today.  Please begin collecting the
necessary invoices and documentation to complete the attached


If you intend to submit expenses to FEMA for consideration, please send
me a contact person, with complete contact information (Name, phone
number, fax number, address, and email) so that I may pass along to the
Public Assistance Coordinator who will then set up a visit to your
campus.  I'll need this contact information by Friday, March 16th.


Also, attached is a memo with information on eligible expenses. Time and
efforts reports are required for all labor related expenses. The
reimbursements will be based on the specific declarations for your
county but at this time is it best to submit all expenses and work with
the FEMA representative assigned to your case to determine final


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