[Cobo] FW: Credit Card Convenience Fee Survey=Updated

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Wed Dec 10 10:02:31 CST 2008

To clarify the information we are asking for the term "discount fees"
should have been used rather than "convenience fees" in question #1."
We are looking at the cost to the institution to provide students the
use of credit card payments and the amount of convenience fees being
charged to a student/patron to offset these costs.  Sorry for the



From: cobo-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:cobo-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Mauck, Sheri
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 3:56 PM
To: COBO at onenet.net
Subject: [Cobo] Credit Card Convenience Fee Survey



We briefly discussed at the last Business Officers' meeting, the fees
institutions are paying for accepting credit card payments for tuition
and fees.  Please provide us the following information so that we can
fully understand the impact to your operations for acceptance of credit
card payments.  Please return your responses by email to
smauck at osrhe.edu, by close of business, December 19th.  Thanks.



1.  Please provide the total dollar amounts paid for "convenience"
"discount" fees to credit card companies for processing payments for the
last three fiscal years.


                        FY2006             $__________________

                        FY2007             $__________________

                        FY2008             $__________________


1a.  How much of this cost was offset by "convenience fees" charged to


                        FY2006             $__________________

                        FY2007             $__________________

                        FY2008             $__________________


2.  What company(ies) are you using?  Mastercard, VISA, Discover, etc.
Please list all vendors you are using.



3.  Are you utilizing the state's contract for credit card processing
vendors?  Yes, No

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