[Cobo] COBO Agenda Suggestions

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Sep 29 09:01:10 CDT 2008

Please email Steve Kreidler (skreidler at uco.edu) or Amanda Paliotta
(apaliotta at osrhe.edu_) with any suggested agenda items for the COBO
meeting scheduled for October 2, 2008.  Thanks.

----- Original Message -----
From: SKreidler at uco.edu <SKreidler at uco.edu>
To: Paliotta, Amanda
Sent: Mon Sep 29 07:28:22 2008
Subject: COBO Agenda

Good Morning Amanda: 

Hope the start of the new week finds you healthy and happy and ready to
go.  Would your office be able to mass mail the COBO members to seek
agenda items for this week.  The memo can suggest that they send any
items directly to you and me.  Late on Tuesday we can talk and set the
final agenda to email out on Wednesday if that works for you.  I have a
couple of items as well to suggest that came from the last meeting. 

Kind regards,

(Please note a change in my email address to:
skreidler at uco.edu)

Steve Kreidler
Executive Vice President
University of Central Oklahoma
100 N. University
Edmond, OK  73034

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