[Cobo] FW: Summer Senior Concurrent Enrollment Reimbursement Form

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Fri Oct 23 16:14:27 CDT 2009



Please find attached the form for submission of high-school senior
concurrent enrollment waivers for the summer 2009 term.  As a reminder,
the policy requires reimbursement waivers may be granted to high-school
seniors only, up to six hours per semester.  A senior student is one who
has completed their junior year of high school in May/June 2009.  The
waiver should reflect tuition costs only.  


Please complete your institutional data and return by email to 
smauck at osrhe.edu by close of business November 13, 2009.


If you have questions, please let me know.   405-225-9201 voice,
405-225-9230 fax.

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