[Cobo] FW: ARRA Jobs & Expenditure warnings

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Fri Jan 8 09:14:52 CST 2010

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa.McKeithan at osf.ok.gov [mailto:Lisa.McKeithan at osf.ok.gov] 
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 9:07 AM
To: Brenda.Bolander at osf.ok.gov; steve.funck at osf.ok.gov
Cc: sammy.paulson at osf.ok.gov; Janice.wolfenbarger at osf.ok.gov
Subject: ARRA Jobs & Expenditure warnings

If you have reported jobs created/retained, many of the awards have
produced one or more warning messages stating:

1, Warning Code: INVALID_NUM_JOBS_WARNING, Warning Message: [If Number
Jobs* is greater than 0, it cannot equal or exceed Total Federal Amount
ARRA Funds Received/Invoiced*.]
2, Warning Code: INVALID_NUM_JOBS_WARNING, Warning Message: [If Number
Jobs* is greater than 0, it cannot equal or exceed Total Federal Amount
ARRA Expenditure*.]
3, Warning Code: INVALID_NUM_JOBS_WARNING, Warning Message: [If Number
Jobs* is greater than 0, it cannot equal or exceed Total Federal ARRA
Infrastructure Expenditure.]

You may have received only one or two or all three of the warning
I believe the intent is to identify awards where jobs are being reported
but no expenditures are being reported.  If you received all three error
messages, then you have reported jobs but no arra monies invoiced or
expended.  This is likely an error and should be reviewed.

However, if you are only receiving the message regarding the
amount, this means that you have reported funds invoiced and/or expended
this is probably a 'warning' that can be ignored.

I will try to get some clarification on this because if this is the feds
approach, then this means we will receive these warning messages each
we try to upload data.

Lisa McKeithan
Office of State Finance - ISD
Enterprise Systems & Business Analyst

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