[Cobo] FW: Federal Stimulus Draw Instructions and

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Jul 12 14:08:34 CDT 2010

As a reminder on the instructions for the Federal Stimulus funds for
FY11, please see the email sent out last year.  We will utilize the same
process and forms that are attached.  If you have questions, feel free
to contact me. Thanks.



From: Mauck, Sheri 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 4:21 PM
To: COBO at onenet.net
Subject: Federal Stimulus Draw Instructions and 


We have received notice from Office of State that the ARRA Federal
Stimulus funding is now available for draw down. 


We are required to fund all ARRA funds using class-fund 49000.  This
fund must also be used for receipt and expenditure of competitive grants
funded with ARRA funds, received either as a direct awardee or through a
sub-contract with another state agency.  You should use the receipt
codes that correspond with the appropriate receipt for each situation
and deposit into your 49000 class-fund using one of the codes listed.


Receipt Codes:  455702              Discretionary/Competitive Grants

                        455703              Flow-through funds received
from another state-agency


We will be using department 11 for the federal stimulus funds received
through the Governor's office which you have already budgeted and
department 21 for any ARRA grant activity.  You will need to prepare
budget revisions to set-up budget for grant activity and also request
transfer of "seed" funding by email to me at smauck at osrhe.edu to cover
any expenditure that will be reimbursed through an ARRA Competitive


The first attachment is instructions given to us by OSF that will
outline the draw process and requirements for both ARRA Federal Stimulus
draws and the necessary expenditure process for competitive grants that
are funded with ARRA funds. 


The second attachment is a form to be used to notify the State Regents'
Office of your ARRA Federal Stimulus draw request on an as needed basis
to fund your approved FY10, budgeted expenditures (Department 11.)
Please note that this form has been slightly revised to include the
payroll date for which you are requesting the draw and, now has a line
to note the payroll request number as required by OSF.  This number must
also match the notation required to be stamped or written on your
payroll claim jacket that is sent to OSF for each pay period.  The
payroll number will be a numbering sequence of your three-digit agency
number, followed by a sequential two digit request number, i.e. 01, 02,
03, etc.  You may fax or email this form to me at 405-225-9201 or
smauck at osrhe.edu.


Please carefully review and share with appropriate staff.  Please
contact us if you have any questions.  Thank you.


Sheri Mauck

smauck at oshre.edu

405-225-9201 voice        

405-225-9230 fax




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