[Cobo] FW: FY2011 Fleet Management Survey

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Thu May 5 12:50:45 CDT 2011


Business Officers,


You are asked to complete the attached fleet management survey forms to
be returned with your FY12 budget forms by June 10, 2011.  This survey
is part of the annual reporting requirements for each institution due
each year during the budget preparation process.


The survey forms are the forms that were developed in 2006 and have not
changed.   Please begin the process of collecting the data and submit
the survey by no later than June 10, 2011.  Our efforts will help to
ensure that our exemptions from the DCS fleet management stay in place.


Should you have questions or concerns, you may contact our offices.


Thank you.

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