[Cobo] budget timetable

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon May 19 16:47:33 CDT 2014

Please find the UPDATED budget timetable for this budget cycle.  Our Regents' meeting to approve the allocations will be on FRIDAY, May 30, 2014.  I had indicated in the budget timeline distributed at the May COBO meeting the 29th, however, due to the Monday holiday our Regents' meeting has always been scheduled for FRIDAY, May 30, 2014.

Please remember as you finish your Campus Master Plans to send back to me the summary sheet. I've also attached to this message for a quick reference.  The packet cover letter will provide you the needed details for the budget submission process.

Please let us know by email (smauck at osrhe.edu) if you'd like us to email your goldenrod, detail sheet and mail the hard copy packet my postal service.  Please coordinate with your Presidents and we will be have the information prepared to get in the mail that afternoon. The mailed packets will be addressed to your Presidents.

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