[Cobo] Hyperion Budget Training

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Tue Feb 17 15:22:06 CST 2015

Please find the attached instructions provided by OMES to guide your institution through the Hyperion Budget Training portion for Higher Education and the Capital Planning training.  Please share with the authorized individuals designated for budget entry at OMES.

You will need to test with a passing score of 75% or better before you’ll be given access to the live Hyperion System.  You may take as many times as needed to become comfortable with the system. If you have questions please let me know.

***If your institution has not yet designated individuals and send in the security forms, (see attachment above) please do so as quickly as possible.  Every institution will need two to three people trained in budget entry.***

Original Emails sent on 12/5/2014 and 12/8/2014:

Please mail in the hard copy forms to the address on the form.  OMES is requesting the hard copy to be mail to them.

Send completed form to:  CORE Oklahoma Office
                                             3115 N. Lincoln Boulevard
                                             Oklahoma City, OK  73105
                                             Attn:  Security

From: Mauck, Sheri
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2014 3:32 PM
To: Council of Business Officers
Subject: Hyperion UPK Training access

As follow-up to our discussion this morning regarding the access to the Hyperion Budget system, please find the security form attached.  Please consider at least two and possibly more people that you want to have access for budget entry training and complete the form for each person and return to OMES to begin the process for access to the on line User Productivity Kit (UPK) training tool.

Please return your signed scanned security access forms the following OMES staff by email:

Collette Coleman             collette.coleman at omes.ok.gov<mailto:collette.coleman at omes.ok.gov>
Lia Tepker                           lia.tepker at omes.ok.gov<mailto:lia.tepker at omes.ok.gov>
Robin Trail                           robin.trail at omes.ok.gov<mailto:robin.trail at omes.ok.gov>

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