[Cobo] FW: FY2021 Budget Reminder

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Thu Jun 25 09:24:22 CDT 2020

Please note that the State Regents approved all budget submissions at their meeting yesterday, June 24th.   The last step in the your budget process is to send me the OMES Worksheet that is attached.  If you have not yet submitted this worksheet for allotment purposes, please do so as quickly as possible.

***Also, please be reminded that your FY2021 budgets will likely not be approved and available for processing of claims until at least July 10th.  OMES works through there processes for loading the budgets and always take a little time. Please don't expect to see your budget available on July 1st.

Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you all for your diligence throughout this process, especially under the trying circumstances we've been working through.

Happy New Fiscal Year!

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