[Cobo] FW: Guidance on Tuition Review Hearing Preparation

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Jun 5 09:46:26 CDT 2023

Please find the correspondence sent to Presidents this morning for your review. You will likely be important in helping to prepare responses. Thank you.

From: Tygret, Mark
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 9:10 AM
To: Presidents <pres at osrhe.edu>
Subject: Guidance on Tuition Review Hearing Preparation
Importance: High


As we work toward finalizing the FY-24 budget we are seeking input from each institution on the information requests referenced below, as well as indications of any changes in resident and nonresident tuition and mandatory fees for the coming year.

Attached please find the preliminary schedule for Budget and Tuition and Mandatory Fee Request presentations that will be made to the State Regents at our meeting on Wednesday, June 28, which will be held in the Regents Conference Room, located on the second floor of our offices (655 Research Parkway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City). We will adjust the final schedule when we know which institutions will be participating with tuition increase requests.

If your institution is not requesting any increase to the tuition and/or mandatory fees you will not be expected to participate in the hearing.  Our Regents have released those Presidents to allow for additional time on those seeking increases.

In preparation for your Budget and Tuition and Mandatory Fee Request presentations to the State Regents on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 we would ask that you include the following information in writing for distribution to our Regents:

Most of the requests for information have been previously posed by our State Regents:

  1.  What is the percentage of students at your institution who graduate with student loan debt?
  2.  What is the average student loan debt for students at your institution upon graduation?
  3.  What is the percentage of students receiving PELL funding?
  4.  What is the percentage of students at your institution who are first-generation college students (the first in their family to attend college)?
  5.  Please provide the enrollment patterns for course delivery formats for the last four academic years.  2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023
  6.  Traditional in-person courses
  7.  Online (asynchronous)
  8.  Technology-enabled (ITV, Zoom, Hybrid, Flex, Blended)
  9.  What initiatives are currently being implemented by your institution with regard to student financial literacy?
  10. Please provide specific information on cost savings or cost avoidance measures your institution has implemented to avoid tuition increases.
  11. Please provide information of your risk management premium increases over the last three years, and identify and other major cost drivers at your institution.
  12. Please provide the impact of 1% increase in tuition and mandatory fees generates $XXX in new revenue.

If you have a conflict and need to revise your scheduled presentation time, please contact Vice Chancellor for Administration Kylie Smith at ksmith at osrhe.edu<mailto:ksmith at osrhe.edu> or 405.225.9122.

If you have any questions about your institution's Budget and Tuition and Mandatory Fee Request presentation, please contact Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance Mark Tygret at mtygret at osrhe.edu<mailto:mtygret at osrhe.edu> or 405.225.9126.

Thank you.


Mark Tygret
Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 225-9126 office
(405) 613-4363 cell
mtygret at osrhe.edu<mailto:mtygret at osrhe.edu>

[Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education logo]

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