[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. April 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 6 09:07:02 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Boy, the weather has sure been wonderful lately.  Great for being 
outside, but it sure has got the ticks crawling around like crazy 
looking for something or someone to latch onto.  Be sure and spray on 
something to keep them off of you when you go out.  It seems like they 
are much more of a threat than they were when I was growing up.  Used 
to, they were just a nuisance, now it seems they can causes diseases 
that can kill you.   I walked down through the woods yesterday in spite 
of the ticks, just to see springtime.  I noticed some fuzzy material on 
the ground and couldn't figure out what it was, whether it was fur or 
what, then I looked up and way up high in a pine tree I could see a 
squirrel nest that partially torn up and hanging down.  I don't know how 
squirrels manage to weave such a cozy nest out of what looks like a pile 
of leaves, but this material on the ground looked like it had some small 
jute rope or something woven through it.  Interesting.  Then looking 
down, I noticed a mole hill crossing the path.  It's pretty interesting 
the things you can discover if you just get out of the recliner.  And 
the smell of the wild plum blossoms at this time of the year is heavenly!

Our menu for today includes:

            Roast beef
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             Macaroni and cheese

Our fast food is Chili Cheese Dogs.

And for dessert, come fix yourself an Ice Cream Sundae!  Delicious!

Rhoda   8-)

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