[Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday April 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 7 10:00:35 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,

I hope you all survived the storms last night without any major damage.  
I know it sure beat a lot of the little new leaves off our big oak tree 
in the front yard, and showered them and the little tassel things all 
over my car.  I had a list of about half a dozen things I had to do 
yesterday after work.  I'm just glad I got it all done before the bad 
weather hit.  Especially since one of them was to go buy flashlight 

Be sure and wish Peggy Arteberry a Happy Birthday.  She's the new 
part-time lady in Brenda Steuer's office, and is a really sweet person.

Our menu for this TGIF is:

             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Winter blend vegetables
             Green beans
             Refried beans
             Spanish rice
             Macaroni and cheese

Our fast food is Chili Cheese Burritos.

And for dessert we have some great Banana Pudding.

Come and get it and have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)

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