[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Apr. 21

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 21 10:03:28 CDT 2006

Hi everybody,

I think we've had about 3 different seasons of weather this week:  a 
couple of days of hot summertime, a couple of days of spring and today 
reminds me of fall what with the cooler temperatures and the much needed 

I decided last night that it was time to take our daddy Muskovy duck 
down the hill to where our lady ducks had relocated themselves, and if I 
had known what a show that was going to wind up being, I'd've sold 
tickets.  Have you ever been beaten up by a duck?  And Muscovy's don't 
quack so it was a pretty quiet fight.  They hiss and hit with their 
wings a lot, and he flopped and splashed through his water pan, which 
with ducks, is dirty immediately after you put it out for them, so I 
probably looked like I'd been in a mud fight before it was all over 
with.  Then we tried to put him in the cat carrier since I could tell he 
wasn't just going to let me carry him down the hill.  That didn't work 
well either until we went to Plan B.  We had started out trying to stuff 
him in the thing head first, but he'd stretch his big long neck out one 
way and his wings a couple of other directions and nothing would go 
through the opening.  I finally managed to get him turned around 
backwards, pin his wings down to him and stuff him in tailfeathers 
first.  We finally got him down to where the female ducks were and he 
stomped out of the carrier looking all indignant, fluffing his feathers 
and splashing like he was trying to wash all the evidence of my 
manhandling him away.  The ladies didn't appear as interested in him as 
they did the feed we took down to them, but I figure that will change.

For you folks that live in the Wilburton city limits, I noticed in the 
paper that the city will be having clean-up days Tues. and Wed. of next 
week, so if you have stuff you need hauled off, you need to get it to 
the curb before then and call city hall to get on their pick-up list.  

It's looking like a busy week here at Eastern next week, with the Battle 
of the Bands Monday evening, the self-defense classes offered on Tues., 
Wed. and Thurs., along with the Spring Musical, and various banquets and 
luncheons scheduled throughout the week.  And don't forget about the 
Starving Artist event downtown today and tomorrow.  They tell me it's 
getting to be the busy season around here and I believe it.

Our menu for today includes:

        Dorito Bake
        Nacho chips
        Refried beans
        Spanish rice 
        Italian mashed potatoes and gravy
        Fresh steamed broccoli with cheese sauce
        Fiesta corn
Our fast food is Pizza.

And for dessert we have  yummy Chocolate Brownies.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)  
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