[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. April 26

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Apr 26 10:13:46 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Well, it's looking cool and cloudy out today.  I guess that's so I won't 
be complaining about the heat, huh?  I wish we could save a little bit 
of this for July when we'd really appreciate it.  I just hope we don't 
get anymore of that bone jarring thunder like at 2:00 am night before 
last!  Wow!  It sounded like a bomb had hit!

Well, as you can tell, I survived the self-defense class last night with 
all parts intact.  Amanda is really good at teaching this to people, 
starting out with just basics like learning to be cautious, watch your 
surroundings and trust your instincts, (that little voice or alarm that 
you hear that tells you to be careful), and going on into learning how 
to break someone's hold on you, just by knowing the best way to move 
against certain holds, and how to use your body weight and positioning 
to make the most of your strength, (kinda like throwing your weight 
around).  We need to thank her and her two large assistants, Jason? & 
Willie? and also Levenia Carey, our Campus Violence Prevention Project 
Director for providing this program.  There will be a 4:00 to 6:00 pm 
class offered today and a 3:00 to 5:00 and a 7:00 to 9:00 class offered 
tomorrow in this for those of you who are interested. 

And those of you who are on the list for the Administrative 
Professional's Luncheon  don't forget to be there at 11:30 for a really 
nice lunch, and I hear there will be entertainment!  This will be my 
first one of these and I'm looking forward to it.  I keep telling 
everyone I'm still new til I've gone through everything at least once, 
so I'll still get to claim "newness" at this. 

Our menu today in the Cafeteria is:

        Fried chicken
        Mashed potatoes and gravy
        Green beans
        Hot rolls

Our fast food is Pizza.

And for dessert you can make your own Banana Split with a variety of 
toppings.  Yum yum!

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)    
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