[Eoscstudents] Menu for Monday Aug. 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 7 09:46:54 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Boy, that rain we got the other day was wonderful, but the accompanying 
storm knocked the Cafeteria air conditioning off, so it's still pretty 
warm over here.  I can see my little flag under my vent blowing, though, 
so maybe it'll cool off in here for me shortly.  It seemed like 
everything was "out of whack" over here Friday.  The AC was off, the 
veggie cooler had to be worked on, as it wasn't cooling like it should, 
there was a puddle of water in the Coffee Shop and one in the hallway to 
the side door here.  It was just one thing after the other.  Thankfully, 
the guys came and worked on everything that needed it, and today 
everything appears to be back on track. 

We had chickens squawking in the yard again last night, but by the time 
I was able to waddle out to see what was going on, the mystery critter 
was gone, and chickens were running in several directions.  I did manage 
to catch one little hen and put her in the hen house without too much 
fuss, but the rest of them were on their own.  As I was leaving for work 
this morning, I looked over toward the automatic dog food feeder, and 
saw a raccoon look up and see me looking at him and go waddling off.  
(Mystery solved.)   When he was gone, however, I could see that he had 
brought a friend with him this time.  There was another, smaller raccoon 
still sitting there wishing I would go ahead and get gone so they could 
finish their snack.  At least it didn't look like they had to knock the 
whole thing over this time to get anything out of it.  Maybe the smaller 
raccoon is the brains of the bunch.  Unfortunately, I found our outside 
dog, Cocoa, dead in the back yard this weekend, so it looks like the 
raccoons may have free rein until we can find a suitable replacement.  
Whatever she died of, it was pretty sudden as she had seemed fine just 
the day before.  I suppose it could've been from the heat, but with us 
functioning on just a little window unit in the bedroom, she wouldn't 
have been much better off in the house, and I always keep at least 2 big 
tubs of water filled up outside for all our critters.   At least she 
won't have to suffer through the rest of this heat wave.  We're just not 
having a good year where our animals are concerned, the furred ones or 
the feathered ones.

Our menu for today includes:

           Chicken fry steak
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Sweet peas
Our fast food is Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans, and chips.

And for dessert come and get some Peach Cobbler.

Keep cool,

Rhoda     8-)
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