[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Aug. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Aug 8 09:40:26 CDT 2006

Hi friends,

Well, we only have a week til the start of classes once again.  It's 
hard to believe the summer has passed so quickly.  The temperature tells 
me this summer's not going down without a fight, though.  Last Friday, 
after the storm knocked our AC out on Thurs. evening, it was so hot in 
here, the little floating globes in my Galileo thermometer had all 
passed out from the heat and sunk to the bottom of the thermometer.  It 
looks like one of them is finally back floating again.

I went outside last night to look around a little, and when I shined my 
flashlight over toward the automatic dog food feeder, I could see a big 
raccoon sitting up and looking at me, then on a little closer look, I 
could see 2 and sometimes 3 smaller sets of shiny eyes aimed my 
direction.  They didn't get startled and run off immediately, though.  
They seemed to be keeping an eye on me and what I might be doing, while 
sneaking handfuls of food out quietly to eat.  I would've had a better 
look at them but there was an obstruction or two in the way slightly, so 
I'm planning on rearranging a few things tonight in order to get a 
better view.  I'm just glad they're content with raiding the dog food 
feeder and are leaving the chickens alone.  We'll get along fine if 
they'll just hold to that.

Our menu for today includes:

          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Baby carrots
          Hot rolls

Our fast food is Hot Ham and Cheese on a Bun with chips.

And for dessert, try some Carrot Cake.

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)

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