[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Aug. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Aug 9 09:48:17 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Boy, technology is great...when it works.  Unfortunately, we're having 
printer problems over here.  Novella and I both got Epson Stylus C86 
printers last year and hers has already konked out.  We just changed the 
ink, so we know it's full, but it does nothing but print out blank 
pages.  We questioned Keith Lewis about this, and he brought over some 
stuff that he had copied off the internet that was just pages and pages 
of people with the same problem.  Evidently these printers are timed to 
die right after the warranty expires.  A few people have been successful 
in repairing their sickly machines, but most just give up.  (I may get 
up my nerve and try it, so if you see me walking around looking like an 
explosion in an ink factory just don't get near enough to get any of it 
on you.)   Some people have been "fortunate enough?" to have this happen 
right before the warranty expired, and the company replaced their 
printers, but of course, the new model doesn't use the same expensive 
ink cartridges that the broken down one did, so they were stuck with 
that expense.  So far, mine is still working, but I feel like I'm just 
living on borrowed time printer-wise over here.  Novella is going into 
withdrawal, not being able to print recipes off the internet.  Wish us 
luck with this dilemma, and if you have a printer that works really 
well, and you'd like to recommend that brand, feel free.  We need all 
the knowledge we can get, evidently.  Maybe knowing about this situation 
will  help someone to avoid getting stuck in this situation in the future.

Our raccoons were back last night.  I went out before dark to put out a 
pan of water and pull a weed or two so I could get a better view of them 
when they came to the dog food feeder to forage, when I heard some kind 
of  "critter noises" coming from behind the big oak tree.   I went 
around there to look and saw a raccoon run under the shed.   Our little 
Yorkie and  our little weiner/chihuahua were with me and were sniffing 
around.   I could hear some growly sounds coming from under the shed, so 
I knew that probably the mother had gone under there, but I couldn't 
figure out why she wasn't being quiet.   Then I looked up in the fork of 
the oak and saw two half grown babies clinging to the tree, and looking 
down at me like they didn't know whether they should be going on up or 
trying to come down and get with mama.  I went into the house to get my 
camera, and of course the minute my back was turned, I'm sure they ran 
for mama and took off for less populated areas.  I left some cookies out 
for them later, so if the cats didn't eat them all, they probably 
enjoyed those. 

Our menu for today includes:

            Luscious lasagna
            Scalloped potatoes
            Pinto beans
            Turnip greens
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is Mr. Rib on a Bun with French Fries.

And Chocolate Cake is on the menu for dessert.

Come on over and enjoy,

Rhoda   :-)    
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