[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Aug. 10

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Aug 10 10:00:58 CDT 2006

Hi again folks,

Well, those of you with children going to school here at Wilburton 
Public are probably breathing a sigh of relief this morning, since this 
was their first day back.  (Go Diggers!)  Now the catastrophes can 
begin!  Our first catastrophe yesterday was the fact that my daughter 
did not have a purse to start school with, and since she's in Jr. Hi, 
she's at that age when they have to carry all manner of makeup, etc. 
wherever they go.  And it was not just that she didn't have a purse, she 
didn't have the perfect purse that she'd spotted in a downtown window 
for $$$, (more than I'd ever pay for a purse for myself).  I couldn't 
look at it and tell you why it was so perfect, but evidently she saw 
something wonderful there.  All I saw was that it had a snakey looking 
handle, silver studs, and was made of camouflage fabric, (the pattern 
known for blending in, you know?), which almost guarantees that she 
won't be able to find it, much like most of the rest of her things.   
The next and most basic catastrophe was that we couldn't find her new 
school sneakers, and they're not even camouflage.  (See why I figure the 
purse will be lost next?)  I was convinced the shoes had run away from 
home, with or without her feet in them.  I finally found them for her 
where the box had flipped upside down and fallen behind something and 
she swore that she owed me big time, and loved me so much!  We'll see 
what good it does me.  Wish us both luck surviving 8th grade.  I know it 
was no picnic, but if last year is any example, I think Jr. Hi was 
easier on me when I went through it myself. 

Don't forget to make plans to go to the Bikes and Bands downtown 
Saturday night.  The Magic Wheels motorcycle group will be having their 
parade of lights about dark Saturday evening, and then the bands will 
get to start playing down by City Hall.  Our own head of maintenance, 
Rudy O'Donley and his group Sundown will be playing, as will Oversoul 
and EOSC grad Kyle Williams.  Check it out. 

Our menu for today includes:

          Smothered steak
          Mashed potatoes
          Sweet peas
          Hot rolls

Our fast food is Chili Cheese Nachos.

And for dessert we're having Poke Cake.  (No, it has nothing to do with 
cowpokes, or poke salad.)

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)

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