[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Monday Aug. 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 28 10:05:54 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,

Congratulations to Shonnie Hall and all her wonderful volunteers for a 
very successful Driving Awareness Day Saturday.  My daughter and I got 
to spend some time at the event put on my BP and various others and it 
was very worthwhile.  If we're fortunate, maybe this can become a yearly 
event.  There were several displays that should really make our young 
people think of the consequences of drinking and driving.  It's sad when 
so many of them think that's what being grown up is all about, being 
able to get drunk, or just do whatever you want without realizing what 
lifelong consequences their actions could have.  

My bad.  I neglected to mention several birthdays Friday, and I have to 
apologize.  I guess I was too wrapped up in my own little world, what 
with my husband and I celebrating our anniversary, and his birthday 
coming right on it's heels.  (I think that's how he can remember our 
anniversary so well.)  Our plumber here on campus, Big Allen Kendrick, 
had a birthday on Friday, and I hope it was a happy one.  Also, one of 
our newer EOSC employees, Shirley Calhoun had a birthday yesterday.  
(She's my husband's birthday twin.  I wonder how much she'll pay me not 
to tell her age?)  And last but not least, (well, maybe she is the 
smallest, but she counts for two now), Carli Lay had a birthday 
yesterday, and Carli, I hope you celebrated for two, but only with 
doctor approved beverages, etc. 

Also, the time is running out to register to win our Dr. Pepper bike and 
helmet here in the Cafeteria.  The drawing is this Wed. at 1:15, so if 
you're a currently enrolled Eastern student and you haven't entered the 
drawing yet, better get on it!   

Our menu for today includes:

            Chicken fajitas
            Spanish rice
            Refried beans
            Pasta bar

Our fast food is a deli variety.

And for dessert have some Fresh Apple Cobbler.

Come on over,

Rhoda    :-)              
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