[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Dec. 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Dec 6 10:06:44 CST 2006

Hi folks,

I hope you're all having a great day.  The ladies here are already 
getting busy, trying to get whatever things they can gathered up and 
ready for the big party Friday night. I'm not sure if any of us will be 
able to attend it as guests, or if we'll all be working at it.   We're a 
bit short-handed and it takes a lot of work to put something like that 
together successfully. 

I read Sue Lovett's email about the beautiful moon last night, and I 
agree.  As I said the other day, I drove in by the light of the 
beautiful full moon, and then about 12 1/2 hrs. later, drove home by 
it.  The beauty of nature is one of the great free things in life.  
Everyone can enjoy it, whether you're a millionaire or you're flat broke.

Our menu for today includes:

            Fried chicken
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Corn on the cob
            Turnip greens
            Pinto beans
            Macaroni and cheese
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is Frito Chili Pies.

And for dessert we have Chocolate Cake and Banana Pudding.

Come and get it,

Rhoda     :-)  

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