[Eoscstudents] Thinking about Transfer

Alanna Ralls aralls at eosc.edu
Fri Dec 8 09:28:33 CST 2006

Dear Student,

For those of you going to graduate this spring semester, it is time to 
make the decision on where you want to transfer to.  It is also time to 
turn in admission applications, scholarship applications, and possibly 
housing. All these forms need to be completed and turned in by February 
1 for first priority on scholarship moneys.  When submitting your 
admission application be sure to complete the form in its entirety, 
include the application fee, an official transcript (which includes the 
fall 2006 semester), and your class schedule for the spring 2007.  Read 
your scholarship forms carefully and be sure to included everything that 
is asked. Finally, if you know for sure you want to live in campus 
housing, be sure to submit it as well.  It will offer you a better 
chance to secure the dorm or apartment you want on campus.

If you need any assistance regarding transfer, please come by my office 
in the Library Building Room 110.  I can give you these important forms 
and answer most of your questions regarding transfer.  Hope you have a 
safe and Happy Holidays.


Alanna Ralls
Transfer Enrollment Manager

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