[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Dec. 19

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Dec 19 09:48:37 CST 2006

Hi folks,

After today, my alarm clock is going to be on vacation til after the 
first of next year.  My checkbook however will probably be getting a 
workout!  It's going to be nice to be off and not have to follow someone 
else's schedule for a while.  I have to make a to-do list or I'll wind 
up thinking I have all the time in the world to get things done in, and 
then at the last minute discover that all that time is gone and I have 
to really scramble to get anything productive done.  It might be a good 
New Year's Resolution to set a goal for each day of something that I 
want to get done that day.  Hmmmm...I'll have to consider that. 

Much sympathy goes out to Rhonda (Price) Quinn and family.  She just 
lost her husband, Tony, to cancer.  Please keep her and her family in 
your prayers.

After being outside night before last in a T-shirt, and then all day 
yesterday just being able to wear a T-shirt, rather than the usual long 
sleeved shirt and or jacket you'd think of for this time of year, it 
finally began to cool off yesterday evening.   By this morning, it was 
actually misting as I drove to work.  Have you listened to the weather 
reports and heard that they're giving us a 20% chance of a white 
Christmas?  That just brings up images of a crackling fire, a beautiful 
Christmas tree, warm sweaters, hot chocolate...I can even smell the 
scent of pine boughs.  Okay, Santa, I'm ready now.  I hope you all have 
a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year and  come back safely next 
year.  And don't forget the real reason for the season.  God bless you all.

Our menu for today includes:

            Chicken strips
            French fries
            Noodles and cheese
            Baked beans

And Apple or Cherry Cobbler for dessert.

Til next year,

Rhoda   :-)      
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