[Eoscstudents] thanks

Mary Edith Butler mebutler at eosc.edu
Fri Feb 3 15:49:44 CST 2006

   The Library Media Center staff and I would like to thank everyone for 
their good participation on "Wear Red Day."  A special thank-you goes to 
the Cafeteria staff for the delicious lunch and to the three nursing 
students who gave up their time to give free blood pressure checks. 
Thanks also go to those of you who donated money to the American Heart 
   We distributed some wonderful pamphlets and fact sheets from the 
American Heart Association.  If you did not have a chance to stop by the 
table and pick some of these up, most can be requested free from the 
American Heart Association's web site.  Take a minute to look at it and 
the others we have listed below for some very vital information on heart 
disease, high blood pressure, weight management, and other health 
issues.  We sincerely hope that you will use the information to improve 
your health and the health of your loved ones. Thanks again, meb
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