[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Feb. 16

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 16 09:46:26 CST 2006

Hi folks,

Well, you'd better get out and enjoy this nice warm weather today before 
it gets swept away by the cold front that's supposed to settle in here 
this evening.  I heard the TV weatherman recommending that you fill up 
with gas, water your outdoor plants, make a good sheltered place for 
your outdoor pets, and relocate your hat and coat now, (and probably 
de-icer) because you won't want to be doing all this when it gets cold.  
Sounds like good advice.  I hope I have time to take it.

Be sure and try to come and listen to Tim Tingle, the Choctaw 
storyteller, in the auditorium this evening at 7:00.  He is very 
entertaining, and the more people that attend these events, the better  
chance we will be able to have more of them in the future, so get out of 
the house and come on out for this entertaining evening.

Our menu for today includes:

            BBQ pork ribs
            Au gratin potatoes
             Baked beans
             Blackeyed peas
             Hot rolls
             Bread sticks

Our fast food today is:

             Chili dogs
             French fries

And for dessert we are having Peanut Butter Pie Squares.

See you in the Cafeteria,

Rhoda     8-)

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