[Eoscstudents] Native American Excellence in Education

Alanna Ralls aralls at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 16 16:56:09 CST 2006

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Native American
Excellence in Education


PARTICIPANT NAME: __________________________________________ 


. Academic Terms Covered: Regular terms and summer, if budget allows. 
. College at which benefits may be utilized: Southeastern Oklahoma State University 
. Costs Paid for Participant 
. Tuition: 12-16 hours each semester (fall and spring) 
. Fees: All 
. Testing or Exam Fees: $290 per student 
. Course Tutoring: Provided by program 
. Exam Preparation: Provided by program 
. Text Books: $300 per semester 
. Lap-top computer and printer 
The SOSU NAEIE Project will not be responsible for any other Participant costs incurred (i.e., library 
fines, parking tickets, food, notebooks, general school supplies, novelty items, course drop fees, and any 
other costs not specifically listed above.) 


. A stipend of $1,500 per month during the academic term enrolled will be paid to the Participant 
during the period of enrollment. A one-time $1,250 stipend will be given to the Participant to 
assist with re-location expenses. Participants cannot have employment of more than 20 hours per 
Note: Stipends are considered as income and will require the participant to complete a 1099 and 1098 
form (provided by SOSU). 


. Child care costs of up to $225 per minor child (age 18 or under) per month, will be made to 
Participants that incur child care costs in order for the Participant to attend and complete 
coursework, participate in project meetings and attend related workshops. Depending on number 
of participants with child-care needs, this amount may vary. 
. Receipts are not required for reimbursement of costs incurred. 
Note: Child care stipends are considered as income and will require the participant to complete a 1099 
and 1098 form (provided by SOSU). 


. Participants must maintain a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative G.P.A. 
. Participants must remain full-time students and remain on course to graduate within the grant 
award period. 
. Participants must attend all meetings and training required by the project. 
. Participants can be suspended due to violations of the SOSU Student Code of Conduct. 
In all situations that lead to suspension and in extreme circumstances, the Project Director may 
approve a one-semester probation. A Participant cannot serve two consecutive semesters on 
probation. Terms of probation will be placed in writing and will be signed by the Participant and 
Project Director. 

Participant?s Initials __________ Date: _________________ 

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Withdrawal from Program: 

. Participants who voluntarily withdraw from their course of study will be terminated as a project 
. Participants may be administratively withdrawn from the project as a Participant due to poor 
academic performance, inadequate attendance, false financial claims, or disciplinary reasons. 

Participants receiving training under this program are required to pay back, whether through service or 
cash, an equivalent amount of time or cost of the training received. Payback is to begin within 6 months 
from the Participant?s completion of a degree or withdrawal from the program, whichever occurs first. 
Participants must agree that information on the Participant and his/her training program may be provided to 
the Office of Indian Education, U.S. Department of Education, which is the cognizant agency responsible 
for ensuring completion of the payback requirements. The Participant must obtain approval from the 
Office of Indian Education of the type of service to be performed when a service payback is performed. 
Upon approval of a service payback, the Participant is required to provide a semi-annual certification of 
continuous employment from his/her supervisor. Failure to comply with the payback requirements may 
jeopardize the Participant?s ability to obtain future federal student aid. 

. Service (Work-Related) Payback: 
. Participants are required to perform a work-related service that is related to the training 
received and benefits Indian students. 
. The payback will be continuous service equal to the total amount of time for which 
training is received. 
. Cash Payback: 
. A cash payback is required when the Participant ? 
. Withdraws or is terminated as a Participant before completion of the program; 
. Chooses not to complete a service payback upon degree completion; or 
. Is unable to complete the service payback started; in this case, a pro-rated cash 
payback will be based on the period of service payback completed. 
. Participants are responsible for a cash payback (when no service payback has been 
performed) of the total cost of the training received during the time of this agreement. 
(See Participant Benefits section for covered costs). The Project Director will keep an 
on-going cumulative total of all benefits paid to or received by each Participant. 
. Cash paybacks will be based on a payment schedule approved by the Office of Indian 
Participant?s Agreement 

I, the undersigned Participant, do understand the benefits I will receive as a Participant of 
this project, as well as my responsibilities in accepting these benefits, as evidenced by my 
signature and initials on the preceding pages. 

Participant?s Signature SSN Date 

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Native American
Excellence in Education

Project Participant Application 

The goal of the SOSU Native American Excellence in Education Project is to provide support and 
training to Native American individuals in completion of a pre-service education program which 
will enable these individuals to meet the requirements for full state certification or licensure as a 
teacher. Course work must lead to a Bachelor?s Degree in Education before the end of the grant 
award period. Only participants who can reasonably complete their chosen education degree 
within the award period (by May 2008) will be accepted. Students must have a cumulative G.P.A. 
of 2.5 or above. Students seeking Alternative Certification will not be considered. Selected 
participants are expected to begin the program in August, 2006. All participants will be required 
to sign a ?Participant Agreement? before services begin. 

Benefits Requirements 

* Tuition/fee/book assistance * Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher 
* Living stipend * Enrolled as a Full-Time student 
* Child-care assistance stipend * Must be Native American 
* Testing fees * 60 credit hours completed prior to 
* Re-location assistance stipend the Fall 2006 semester 
* Lap-top computer and printer 
There are two types of payback:

1. Participants will teach in a school with a significant Indian population equivalent to the 
length of time of time that benefits were received. (preferred) 
2. Failure to complete the degree or service payback will result in a required cash payback 
to the Office of Indian Education for the total amount of benefits received. 
A complete application packet consists of: 

1. Application?typed or printed 
2. Documentation of Indian descent 
3. Copies of college course transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (unofficial is 
acceptable). Must have 60 credit hours completed prior to the Fall 2006 semester. 
4. One-page typed statement of goals as they relate to serving as an educator, specifically, to 
Native American students 
5. One-page typed statement of past leadership activities 
6. Two letters of recommendation from college instructors/staff 
Any incomplete packet will not be considered. Please return completed packet before March 
3, 2006 to: 

SOSU Academic Advising and Outreach Center 
Attn: NAEIE Project 
1405 N. 4th Avenue PMB 2748 
Durant, Oklahoma 74701 

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SOSU Native American Excellence in Education Project Participant Application (cont) 

Name: __________________________________________________________ 

Current mailing address, phone number and email: 

Address: _______________________________________________________ 
City: _______________________ State: __________ Zip Code: 

Phone Number: ( ) ________________ Email: 

SSN: ___________________________________________________________ 
Hours completed 
by August 1, 2006________________ Cumulative G.P.A._______________ 

(Please include copies of all transcripts with application packet) 

Institutions of Higher Education attended (please list below): 

Tribal Affiliation____________________________________ 
(Please include copy of documentation with application packet; example-CDIB, Citizenship) 

For questions or more information, please contact Chris Wesberry at 580-745-2376 or by 
email at cwesberry at sosu.edu or Jana Imotichey at 580-745-2812 or by email at 
jimotichey at sosu.edu. 

A complete application packet consists of: 

7. Application?typed or printed 
8. Documentation of Indian descent 
9. Copies of college course transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (unofficial is 
acceptable). Must have 60 credit hours completed prior to the Fall 2006 semester. 
10. One-page typed statement of goals as they relate to serving as an educator, specifically, to 
Native American students 
11. One-page typed statement of past leadership activities 
12. Two letters of recommendation from college instructors/staff 
I, __________________________________________, do hereby give my permission to the 
NIEA project to obtain any educational information concerning me and to use any photos, bios, 
or other necessary information about me to fulfill the requirements of the project or to promote 
the project. 

Signature Date 

DEADLINE: Completed application must be received by March 3, 2006. 

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