[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Feb. 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 28 09:52:44 CST 2006

Hi everyone,

Hard to believe it's actually still February, but my thermometer says 
it's 62 degrees outside and will surely get warmer as the day goes on.  
We've got the big fan on that we use in the summer in the kitchen today 
with it being this warm.   With all the warm weather we've been having 
this winter, I think we may have to get rid of most of our winter 
clothes and invest in some more shorts and summer shirts!  Everything 
else spends most of it's time hanging in the closet!

Be sure and try to get out and see the movie "Crash" tonight in the 
auditorium at 6:00.  Levenia and co. are doing a wonderful job putting 
together activities, events and making available information that makes 
you think and we should try to take advantage of these opportunies. 

Our menu for today includes:

       Chicken alfredo lasagna
       Steamed red potatoes
        Creamed peas
        Sauerkraut and weiners
        Baked potatoes
        Hot rolls

Our fast food is:

        Corn dogs
        French fries

And for dessert we have Earthquake Cake and Apple Cobbler.  

Come on over,

Rhoda     8-)    
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