[Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday Jan. 13th

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Jan 13 09:40:44 CST 2006

Hi folks,

Happy Friday the 13th!  I hope you don't believe all that bad luck stuff 
about Friday the 13th.  Any Friday is good in my book!  That's like 
everyone saying if you find a penny and it's heads up it's good luck, 
but heads down is not.  I figure, anytime I find money, it's a good 
thing.  Besides we had some more rain last night, which we needed, and 
that's pretty good luck, (even if it was partially in frozen pellets of 
hail).  Just keep out of it and you won't get knots knocked on your 
head, and don't get out in the lightning either, or you'll have worse 
than knots on your head! 

We have a good menu cooked up for you for today.

        Mashed potatoes and gravy
        Oriental blend vegetables
        Baked potato bar
        Sauerkraut and weiners
        Hot rolls

For fast food we have Pizza once again, (it's been a while hasn't it?)

And for dessert we have Fresh Apple Cake and Rice Krispy Treats.

Come on over,

Rhoda    :-)         
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