[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. July 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jul 6 10:05:32 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Well, I read the memo this morning about the dress code that is to take 
effect Aug. 1.  Time to lose the comfortable clothes, I guess.  When I 
think about myself getting dressed up, it reminds me of the saying, 
"trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear."  I never feel like I 
look like I should, or like I want to when I get dressed up, so I just 
go for comfort, and at least I feel better.  If anyone knows where to 
find nice comfortable clothes (that won't give me a coronary from their 
price tag)  for much-less-than-fashion-model looking women, please let 
me know...soon!  Otherwise I may wind up wearing hand-me-down Cafeteria 
uniforms, since 97% of my wardrobe just got declared illegal.   And I 
had just gotten some new capris for the heat of summer.  Darn it!  
Somebody up there doesn't like me!

We're really getting ready for the new building over here, since when we 
came in this morning, Susie discovered that several ceiling tiles had 
fallen out in the East Cafeteria.  (She swears up and down that she had 
nothing to do with them falling out.)  We left a message with Sheryl and 
a couple of the guys are overe here already trying to put them back in 
place.  I'll be glad when we don't have to worry about old systems and 
trying to get everything to hold together just a little longer. 

Our menu for today includes:

             Beef tips
             White rice
             Green peas with pearl onions

Our fast food is Enchiladas, Spanish Rice and Refried Beans.

And for dessert have some Chocolate Delight!  I'll definitely be having 
some of that!

Rhoda   :-)
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